† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 91321208 and 11674380) and the National Key Basic Research Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant Nos. 2014CB921202, 2015CB921104, and 2016YFA0300601).
Superconducting quantum bits (qubits) and circuits are the leading candidate for the implementation of solid-state quantum computation. They have also been widely used in a variety of studies of quantum physics, atomic physics, quantum optics, and quantum simulation. In this article, we will present an overview of the basic principles of the superconducting qubits, including the phase, flux, charge, and transmon (Xmon) qubits, and the progress achieved so far concerning the improvements of the device design and quantum coherence property. Experimental studies in various research fields using the superconducting qubits and circuits will be briefly reviewed.
Quantum phenomena in Josephson junctions and superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), such as macroscopic quantum tunneling, energy level quantization, resonant tunneling, photon-induced transition, and population inversion, have been actively investigated since the 1980s.[1,2] In 1999, the NEC group successfully observed the quantum coherent oscillation of a charge-type superconducting quantum bit (qubit) in the time domain with a period of roughly 100 ps for about 2 ns.[3] Quantum coherence was soon demonstrated also in other types of devices such as the phase qubit,[4,5] the flux qubit,[6] and certain hybridizations like the quantronium qubit.[7]
Quantum coherence is a fundamental property of the superconducting circuits and qubits, which provides the basis for a number of quantum physics studies and the ultimate implementation of quantum computing. Over the past years, quantum coherence times have been improved steadily, roughly by an order of magnitude every three years, to the present time scale of 10 μs–100 μs and beyond. In addition to this, studies of the coupled qubit systems are also progressing. Quantum coherence and entanglements have been demonstrated in coupled systems of around ten qubits or more. Systems with the coupled qubit number up to a thousand or two have been built for implementing the quantum annealing algorithm. These achievements have enabled many interesting studies in quantum physics, atomic physics, quantum optics, quantum simulation, and quantum computation, using the superconducting circuits and qubits as an effective platform.
Extensive and comprehensive reviews in this rapidly advancing field can be found in Refs. [8]–[14]. Here we will briefly review the basic principles behind different types of superconducting qubits, their recent developments, and the ongoing research works in various aspects.
Superconducting circuits, like the usual electrical circuits, contain capacitors, inductors, and (effective) resistors, and have the Josephson junctions and resonators as their key elements. Their fabrications also employ many similar processes in the semiconductor planar technology. In contrast to the usual electrical circuits, the superconducting circuits, which work at milli-Kelvin temperatures, behave quantum mechanically on a macroscopic scale due to the macroscopic nature of the condensed superconducting Cooper pairs and an energy gap separating the dissipative quasiparticles from the condensate.
The central part of the superconducting qubits is the Josephson junction which obeys the Josephson equations:
The phase qubit features a single Josephson junction biased with a current I, as shown in Fig.
The qubit has a washboard-like potential U(φ), which is depicted in Fig.
One can also use the magnetic flux Φ as the experimentally controllable parameter instead of I by using an rf-SQUID type configuration shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) Optical microscope image of an rf-SQUID-type phase qubit. The red open square and circles enclose the shadow evaporated junctions of the qubit and detector SQUID, respectively. The bar at the bottom-right corner indicates a length of 100 μm. (Figure reproduced with permission from Ref. [20]). |
It can be seen from Fig.
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In the opposite regime where EC ≪ EJ, the energy spectrum is quite different and becomes almost flat, as can be seen in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) Optical microscope images of three-dimensional (3D) (a) and two-dimensional (2D) (b) transmon qubits. Figures reproduced with permission from Refs. [26] and [27], respectively. |
A new qubit design named Xmon[29] was developed by the UCSB group based on the earlier planar transmon qubit.[23–25] As can be seen in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) (a), (b) Optical micrographs of an Xmon qubit. (c) The electrical circuit of the qubit. Figure reproduced with permission from Ref. [29]. |
The qubit state measurement of the transmon and Xmon devices is realized by coupling them to a resonator, e.g., to a 3D resonator as shown in Fig.
The persistent-current flux qubit was first proposed by Mooij et al., which had its original structure as shown in Fig.
The general feature of U(φ1, φ2) is plotted in Fig.
The probability of observing |↑ ⟩ or |↓ ⟩ state is different in the qubit ground and excited states when it is not biased at degeneracy point. Hence one may detect the qubit states using a dc-SQUID that monitors the loop flux difference between the two states.[6] At the degeneracy point, the probability of observing the two basis states is the same and there is no net current difference between the ground and excited states. In this case, it is possible to determine the qubit state by applying a fast flux bias pulse to adiabatically shift the qubit to a non-degeneracy point. It is also possible to detect the quantum state using the inductive method similar to that used for transmon and Xmon.[35–37] This method, which can work at the degeneracy point, has the advantage of avoiding the voltage state of readout dc-SQUID so its back action to the qubit is minimized.
One can replace the small junction with a dc-SQUID, called α loop, which allows the modulation of the critical current and the qubit level spacing (or gap) by external flux. This type of gap tunable flux qubit has been demonstrated by several groups.[38–40] Using this design, Fedorov et al. observed macroscopic quantum coherence oscillations[41] and Zhu et al. coherently coupled a flux qubit to the nitrogen–vacancy (NV) centers.[42]
Compared with the phase and transmon (Xmon) qubits, the flux qubit is advantageous in that it has a much larger anharmonicity. On the other hand, You et al.[43] proposed a design to increase the qubit coherence time by shunting the small junction with a capacitor CS to suppress the charge noise, as is shown in Fig.
One important feature of the flux qubits reported in Ref. [44] is the reduced α value. It is shown that for α greater than 0.5 the coherence time is much shorter. When α is decreased below 0.5, the double well feature of the qubit potential weakens with decreasing barrier height and the flux qubit becomes similar to the transmon qubit. It is reported that the flux qubits with the modified design eliminating the quadratic term show the T1 values around 80 μs (see the device in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) (a), (b) Microscope images of a persistent-current qubit. The horizontal λ/2 CPW resonator at the bottom in panel (a) couples to the qubit for the qubit state measurement. Figure reproduced with permission from Ref. [45]. |
The transmon qubit was derived from the charge qubit by the Yale group,[23–25] along with the technique of quantum nondemolition measurement of the qubit state based on the circuit QED architecture.[30–32] In the circuit QED framework, the Hamiltonian of the coupled qubit-resonator system has the Jaynes–Cummings form
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Hence the qubit state will influence the resonator frequency. In other words, one is able to detect the qubit state by measuring the resonator transmission (or reflection) property. In a further analysis, Gambetta et al. considered the cavity decay rate κ, the qubit energy relaxation rate γ1, and dephasing rate γφ. Under certain approximations, the master equation can be solved analytically to obtain the steady-state solutions of the photonic coherent states in the cavity:[32]
![]() | Fig. 8. (color online) Cavity responses for qubit ground (a) and excited (b) states. Inset: Response at 9.07 GHz versus input power. Figure reproduced with permission from Ref. [47]. |
The qubit states can also be detected by the phase difference of the cavity coherent states given in Eq. (
The quantum nondemolition measurement of the qubit state can be realized using the above technique if the microwave power is kept low so that the average photon number
The quantum nondemolition measurement for the qubit state based on the circuit QED setup is advantageous in many ways compared to that using a dc-SQUID. It does not destroy the quantum state of the qubit and the single-shot measurement can be realized using the quantum-limited Josephson parametric amplifiers.[50–55] The technique is also applied for the phase[56] and flux[35–37,45] qubit devices.
Raising the quantum coherence time is among the key issues in the superconducting qubit studies, and enormous efforts considering various possible mechanisms causing the qubit decoherence have been made.[57] One continuous effort has been to reduce the dielectric loss from the qubit surrounding materials that are always present, such as the substrate, the insulation layers, and the oxidized tunnel barrier or metal surface.[17] Dielectric loss at low temperature is believed to arise from the two-level states (TLS), which can always be seen in the phase qubit with large-area Josephson junctions. TLS can be greatly reduced or absent when the junction size is reduced down to the submicron regime,[20] which may result from the annealing of the defects by stress relieving of the small-sized junctions, or can be understood from the simple statistical point of view.[57] Smaller junctions combined with shunt capacitors are therefore used for the phase qubit. It is experimentally demonstrated that parallel plate capacitors with low dielectric loss can lead to the improvement of the energy relaxation times by a factor of 20.[17]
Early experiments of the charge qubits only demonstrate ns-scale coherence times. As discussed above, a significant progress is from the charge qubit derived transmon,[23] which is immune to the 1/f charge noise thus removing the leading source of dephasing resulting in increased μs-scale coherence times.[58] A further important improvement comes from the understanding of the resonator in modifying the qubit electromagnetic environment.[23,59] The idea behind this is the so-called “Purcell effect”. Namely, the qubit spontaneous emission can be effectively suppressed by coupling it to a resonator which greatly modify the modes and density of states of the electromagnetic field in the external circuitry.[59] The reduced spontaneous emission effectively enhance the qubit energy relaxation times.
Transmon (Xmon) and persistent-current flux qubits only need modest shunt capacitance compared to the phase qubit. In Fig.
In addition to the advances discussed above, namely reducing the dielectric loss, designing qubits immune to the external noises, and modifying the electromagnetic environment, we mention also the other efforts such as improving materials and fabrication techniques,[62,65,67,69] and improving filtering and shielding against stray radiation that causes quasiparticle dissipation.[73] All these efforts have incrementally and collectively raised qubit coherence times up to the present level of 10 μs–100 μs and beyond, in the devices such as those shown in Figs.
We have discussed various types of the superconducting qubits, their basic principles, operations, and improvements. In this section, we will have a brief look into the rich ongoing research works with the superconducting qubits.
Superconducting qubits have many types as discussed previously and there are also many ways of coupling them together, including capacitive and inductive couplings, and couplings via Josephson junctions and resonators.[9,10] Single- and multi-qubit quantum gate operations, required for the universal gate-based quantum computation, have been experimentally demonstrated with improving fidelity, starting from the early years after finding the qubit coherence. Single qubit logic operations of different angle rotations about the x, y, and z axes of the Bloch sphere are performed, for instance, in the quantronium,[74] phase,[75] and transmon[76] qubits, which suffice the usual single qubit phase gate, phase-slip gate, NOT gate, and Hadamard gate. Two qubit logic operations such as controlled-NOT (cNOT) gates are realized in charge[77] and persistent-current qubit.[77,78] The square root of i-SWAP gate is also realized in the phase qubit.[79] The three qubit Toffoli gates (ccNOT) are successfully demonstrated in transmon qubits.[80,81] Universal gate sets are proposed[82] and are experimentally implemented and characterized.[83]
Superconducting circuits and qubits behave quantum mechanically on a macroscopic scale with the system parameters conveniently controllable, which provide an excellent tool for the studies of quantum physics, atomic physics, and quantum optics. There are vast published works in the literature, out of which we only mention a few: (i) Resonant escapes and bifurcation phenomena of nonlinear systems under strong driving.[84,85] (ii) Macroscopic quantum tunneling in cuprate materials and phase diffusion in the quantum regime.[86,87] (iii) Quantum stochastic synchronization in dissipative quantum systems.[88] (iv) Landau–Zener–Stückelberg interference and the precise control of quantum states in the tripartite system.[89,90] (v) Topological phase diagram and phase transitions in interacting quantum systems.[91] (vi) A Schröinger cat living in two boxes.[92] (vii) The Autler–Townes splitting phenomena.[93–97] (viii) The stimulated Raman adiabatic passage and coherent population transfer.[98,99] (ix) The electromagnetically induced transparency, a phenomenon similar to Autler–Townes splitting but physically distinct.[100,101] (x) Resonance fluorescence and correlated emission lasing.[102,103]
Adiabatic quantum computing or quantum annealing was proposed as a heuristic technique for quantum enhanced optimization nearly two decades ago.[104–107] This architecture, known to be equivalent to the standard gate-based quantum computation,[108,109] is simpler and provides a more practical approach for applications in the near term. The first superconducting quantum annealing processors were built by the D-Wave Systems Inc.[110,111] based on the rf-SQUID type flux qubits[21] and the Nb-junction technology.[112,113] The D-Wave One, D-Wave Two, D-Wave 2X, and D-Wave 2000Q machines have become available in the years 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017 with coupled 128, 512, 1024, and 2048 qubits, respectively. Although superconducting quantum annealing has received much attention both academically and industrially, a consensus on some physics and its potential for achieving optimization algorithm has not been reached. For more recent studies the readers are referred to the works in Refs. [114]–[117] by Google Inc. and D-Wave Systems Inc., for instance, and references therein.
Quantum simulation, namely using a controllable quantum system to simulate another quantum system, was first proposed by Richard Feynman and was envisioned as the main application of a quantum computer.[118,119] Quantum simulation has two types: The digital quantum simulation and the analog quantum simulation. The former simulates a quantum system by dividing the time evolution of a Hamiltonian, written as a sum of local terms, into small intervals which can be realized by a sequence of qubit gate operations.[120] In the analog quantum simulation, the Hamiltonian of the system to be simulated is directly mapped onto the Hamiltonian of the simulator that can be experimentally controlled. Quantum simulation may find a variety of applications ranging from atomic physics, chemistry, condensed-matter physics, cosmology, and high-energy physics.[13,121,122]
In condensed-matter physics, in particular, Las Heras et al. proposed the implementation of digital quantum simulators for the Heisenberg and frustrated Ising models[123] and Fermi–Hubbard models,[124] which were experimentally validated in Refs. [125] and [126], respectively. Digital and analog simulations of the Fermi–Hubbard models were discussed in Refs. [127]–[129]. Quantum emulation of creating anyonic excitations was also achieved experimentally by dynamically generating the ground and excited states of the toric code model.[130] There are still many proposals for the analog simulators put forward which need experimental tests: Transverse-field Ising or other spin models;[131–133] Holstein molecular-crystal model exhibiting electron–phonon-induced small-polaron formation;[134,135] multi-connected Jaynes–Cummings lattice model with Mott insulator-superfluid-Mott insulator phase transition;[136,137] pairing Hamiltonians built from nearest-neighbor-interacting qubits;[138] quantum emulation of spin systems with topologically protected ground states.[139,140]
Devoret and Schoelkopf discussed some key stages in the development of a practical superconducting quantum computer.[12] Briefly, one needs the single and multiple physical qubits which satisfy the first five DiVincenzo criteria: A well-defined quantum two-state system, the ability to initialize the state, long (relative) coherence times, single-and two-qubit logic gate operations, and the state measurement capability.[141] This is followed by moving to the logical qubits and memories, which have much longer coherence times, by means of quantum error correction. Finally, gate operations on single and multiple logical qubits are realized to reach the ultimate goal of fault-tolerant quantum computation.
Quantum error correction is of crucial importance for the realization of quantum computing and has received much attention.[28,81,142,143] In order to perform error correction, the fidelity of gate operation must be above certain threshold, which can be measured by the double π-pulse, quantum process tomography, and randomized benchmarking methods.[76] Barends et al. showed that, using a 5-qubit array an average single-qubit gate fidelity of 99.92% and a two-qubit gate fidelity of up to 99.4% could be achieved.[144] This places the quantum computing at the fault tolerance threshold for surface code error correction. The same authors also reported the protection of classical states from environmental bit-flip errors and demonstrated the suppression of these errors with increasing system size on a 9-qubit array.[142] Meanwhile, Chow et al. reported a quantum error detection protocol on a two-by-two planar qubit lattice.[27] The protocol could detect both bit-flip error and phase-flip error, making it possible to detect an arbitrary quantum error.[28] Ofek et al. adopted a different approach to implement a full quantum error correction by using real-time feedback for encoding, monitoring naturally occurring errors, decoding, and correcting. They demonstrated a quantum error correction system that reached the break-even point (i.e., enhanced lifetime of the encoded information) by suppressing the natural errors due to energy loss for a qubit logically encoded in superpositions of coherent states of a superconducting resonator.[143]
For a multiple qubit circuit, the demonstration of quantum entanglement and quantum algorithms is an important step toward quantum computing. Among many other works, Song et al. demonstrated the production and tomography of genuinely entangled Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) states with up to 10 qubits that connect to a common bus resonator in a superconducting circuit.[145] Grover search and Deutsch–Jozsa quantum algorithms[146] as well as solving linear equations[147] were also demonstrated. Furthermore, Riste et al. showed the quantum advantage in performing a machine learning algorithms using a 5-qubit superconducting processor.[148]
While most present studies are performed on the devices of which all components are arranged on chip in a planar fashion, efforts have been made to make devices that have components distributed on different chips stacked vertically in order to accommodate more qubits and also reduce interference and cross talk between different qubits.[149–151] Similar 3D integration is well developed for the semiconductor integrated circuits. However, the application of the technology to the superconducting circuits and qubits is not straightforward and requires further investigation. Of particular concern, quantum coherence could be seriously suppressed by the requisite processing steps and the progress in the coming years on this issue will be crucial for building chips containing around 100 qubits and above.
In the past two decades, tremendous progress has been made in the studies of superconducting circuits and qubits. Most notably, the quantum coherence times have been increased by five orders of magnitude up to the range of 10 μs–100 μs in the devices such as the 2D and 3D transmon qubits, the Xmon qubits, and the persistent-current flux qubits. These devices have improved designs that offer better controls over the qubit fabrication, manipulation, measurement as well as multi-qubit coupling. Research works in many aspects are underway, which may finally lead to the physical implementation of quantum computing. At the present stage, it is encouraging to see that the studies so far have demonstrated most of the basic properties and functionalities required for building a quantum computer. On the other hand, we are entering a further stage with more complex quantum systems in which new fundamental physical and technical problems need to be solved and answered. Before the ultimate goal of quantum computing is reached, fruitful results in the studies of quantum physics, atomic physics, quantum optics, quantum annealing, and quantum simulation would be expected.
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